Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Human right issues Essay Example for Free

Human right issues Essay Indias earliest settlements are believed to have developed in the culture hearths of the Indus Valley around 2600 B.C.E. and in the Ganges Valley around 1500 B.C.E. These societies were mainly composed of ethnic Dravidians who had an economy based on commerce and agricultural trade. Aryan tribes are believed to have then invaded the area after they migrated into the Indian subcontinent from the northwest. It is thought that they introduced the caste system which is still common in many parts of India today. During the 4th century B.C.E, Alexander the Greatintroduced Greek practices into the region when he expanded across Central Asia. During the 3rd century B.C.E, the Mauryan Empire came into power in India and was most successful under its emperor, Ashoka. Throughout subsequent periods Arab, Turkish and Mongol peoples entered India and in 1526, a Mongol Empire was established there, which later expanded throughout most of northern India. During this time, such landmarks as the Taj Mahal were also constructed. Much of Indias history after the 1500s was then dominated by British influences. The first British colony was in 1619 with English East India Company at Surat. Shortly thereafter, permanent trading stations opened in present-day Chennai, Mumbai and Kolkata. British influence then continued to expand from these initial trading stations and by the 1850s, most of India and other countries such as Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh were controlled by Britain. By the late 1800s, India began working toward independence from Britain but it did not come until the 1940s however when Indian citizens began to unite and British Labor Prime Minister Clement Attlee began to push for Indias independence. On August 15, 1947, India officially became a dominion within the Commonwealth and Jawaharlal Nehru was named Indias Prime Minister. Indias first constitution was written shortly thereafter on January 26, 1950 and at that time, it officially became a member of the British Commonwealth. Since gaining its independence, India has undergone significant growth in terms of its population and economy however, there were periods of instability in the country and much of its population today lives extreme poverty. Government of India Today Indias government is a federal republic with two legislative bodies. The legislative bodies consist of the Council of States, also called Rajya Sabha, and the Peoples Assembly, which is called the Lok Sabha. Indias executive branch has a chief of state and a head of government. There are also 28 states and seven union territories in India. Economics Land Use in India Indias economy today is a varied mix of small village farming, modern large scale agriculture as well as modern industries. The service sector is also an incredibly large part of Indias economy as many foreign companies such places as call centers located in the country. In addition to the service sector, Indias largest industries are textiles, food processing, steel, cement, mining equipment, petroleum, chemicals and computer software. Indias agricultural products include rice, wheat, oilseed, cotton, tea, sugarcane, dairy products and livestock. Geography and Climate of India The geography of India is diverse and can be divided into three main regions. The first is the rugged, mountainous Himalayan region in the northern part of the country, while the second is called the Indo-Gangetic Plain. It is in this region that most of Indias large-scale agriculture takes place. The third geographic region in India is the plateau region in the southern and  central portions of the country. India also has three major river systems which have large deltas that take over a large portion of the land. These are the Indus, Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers. Indias climate is also varied but is tropical in the south and mainly temperate in the north. The country also has a pronounced monsoon season from June to September in it southern portion. More Facts about India †¢ Indias people are 80% Hindu, 13% Muslim and 2% Christian. These divisions have historically caused tensions between different religious groups. †¢ Hindi and English are Indias official languages, but there are also 17 regional languages that are considered official. †¢ India has several cities that have undergone place name changes such as Bombay being renamed Mumbai. These changes were mainly done in an effort to return the city names to local dialects, as opposed to British translations.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Hermes :: essays research papers fc

The fleet-footed messenger with wings on his heels and cap symbolizes fast delivery. However, Hermes was neither originally winged nor a messenger - that role was reserved for the rainbow goddess Iris (Medusa's cousin and the daughter of Thaumys and Elektra). Hermes was, instead, clever, tricky, a thief, and, with his awakening or sleep conferring wand (rhabdos), the original sandman whose descendants include a major Greek hero and a noisy, fun-loving god. Before Zeus married Hera, Maia (a daughter of the second generation Titan Atlas, who was a son of the Titan Iapetos and Okeanos' daughter Klymene) bore him a son, Hermes. Like Heracels, Hermes showed amazing skill in early years. He escaped his cradle, wandered outside, and walked from Mt. Cyllene to Pieria where he found Apollo's cattle. His natural character was to steal them. He even had a smart plan. First, he padded their feet to soften the sound, and then he drove fifty of them backwards in order to confuse search. He stopped at the Alpheios River to make the first sacrifice to the gods. To do so, he had to invent fire, or at least how to fire up it. Then he selected two of Apollo's herd, and after killing them, divided each into six parts to keep in touch with the twelve Olympians. There were, at the time, only eleven. The remaining part was for him. After completing his new ceremony, Hermes went back home. On his way, he found a tortoise that he took inside his house. Using leather strips from Apollo's herd as string, he created the first lyre. He was playing the new musical instrument when Apollo found him. Noticing the material of the string, Apollo was angry with Hermes for stealing his cattle and smart enough not to believe Hermes when he protested his innocence. Bringing together seemed impossible until the father of both gods stepped in. To make amends, Hermes gave his half-brother the tortoise shell lyre. Later, Hermes and Apollo made another exchange. Apollo gave his half-brother the Caduceus in exchange for a flute Hermes invented. Zeus realized he had to keep his smart, cattle-rustling son out of mischief, so he put him to work as god of trade and business. He gave him power over birds of sign, dogs, boars, flocks of sheep, and lions. He provided him with golden sandals, and made him messenger (angelos) to Hades.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Family Drama

Living with family is similar to living to living in the royal palace. There is always going to be guards watching over you’re every move, and certain standards you need to live up to. You will enjoy the luxury of an elegant house, clean laundry and slightly bigger budget, but it will slightly defer from the king and queen realm. It will affect every detail of your life, right down to the way you talk, the food you eat, how often your friends can visit and how much freedom you have. You will quickly discover that if your sovereign isn’t happy you’re not going to be happy either. I recently graduated from high Scholl, got a job, and started saving up some money for college. I decided to move in with my parents, and what I have learnt is that its good being around family, but it’s never a good idea to live in with family. I get no respect from my parents. They treat me as if I’m still in high school, or should I say elementary school. My mom talks to me any how she pleases, no matter where we are , or, who is around. Last month was my birthday, so I decided to invite a few friends over just to chill and have a good time. Hoping that my parents would leave so I could have the house for myself, they decided to hang around. It was so awkward for me. My dad he just came and sat in the living room watching the TV, even thou they have one in there room. My mom kept complaining about the type of music I was playing. After a while my mom started butting in people’s conversation and disrespecting my friends telling them how they aren’t good enough to hang with me and how much of a dirt bag they are. I was so embarrassed. She was so disrespectful, I don’t know if they don’t want me to have a social life or they just like being mean to me. As expected living under someone else’s roof can be quite a challenge, especially if they are close family. I am a single child so you can imagine how hard it if for me to have any privacy what so ever. I really felt cross the line the other day when my mom decided to open my mail. I ordered some condom and other such items online with my own money( of course, which goes without saying) my mother couldn’t stand that I had any mail coming in or anything that she didn’t know what it was, so what does she do, she opened it. Then she judgmentally confronted me about them. I shocked embarrassed and very angry about that violation of my privacy. I should not have been surprised, this kind of things are typical for my mother she just like to be all up in my business. The clothes I wear, the food I eat, the color of my room, where I go, how I got there and people I hang with, these are just a few things that your parents have control over when you’re a child, but as you grow older they still seems to want to maintain that control. It is difficult for them to adjust to that and thus causes a lot of conflict. My friends and I decided to dress up as sexy doctors and fire fighters for Halloween, just to change up from what we normally do each year. The biggest sin in the eyes of my parents to be sexy. We had a big argument, because I was determine to wear what I wanted to, not only because it was what we had plan, but also a way of proving to my parents that I’m grown and can do whatever I can. My dad decided that if I left the house looking like a â€Å"hooker† I’m not to set foot back in his house, I didn’t even think of the after effect of it all I just back my stuff. As a I was about to leave, he decided to grab my stuff, I was so mad I push him and he slap me in the face. We started fighting and my mom called the police. Luckily no one went to jail, but we were warned. I love my dad and I didn’t mean for things to get out of control like that. All that could have been avoided if I was living on my own. Relatively speaking, as a child growing up, I enjoy living with my parents, they were my best friends, but as a bird grows older they have to leave the nest. In order to have a good social life and worry free about what you do and how you to it, its better to

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Essay Buddha a Man, not a God

Siddhartha Gautama Buddha is the central figure of Buddhism, a sage on whose teachings this religion has been founded. It is worth noting that he didn’t leave any written works, and his ideas were passed down in oral tradition, and first appeared in written form several centuries after his death (probably about four hundred years later). Still, Buddhists believe that the accounts of his life and wisdom he imparted to his followers were memorized well enough to survive for several centuries without distortions. One should also mention that â€Å"Buddha† is not a name as it is often thought to be. Buddha means â€Å"the awakened one†; it is a status, not a name. Yet when this word is said, people usually mean Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism. What Is Really Known About Gautama Buddha In fact, there is not much, due to the aforementioned lack of written sources. Historical Gautama Buddha is believed to have lived somewhere in between 563 BC and 483 BC, with different historians disagreeing with each other wildly as to where exactly the dates of his birth and death should be placed. Needless to say, he is not mentioned in any written sources of his time, nor for several centuries afterwards. Everything that we know about this person comes from a number of traditional biographies written centuries after his death, emphasizing different aspects of his life and sometimes contradicting each other. The things that most biographies have in common are as follows: Siddhartha was born as a Kshatriya, i.e., a member of the caste of noblemen, with his father being either a king or an elected leader of his clan. He was prophesied to become either a great ruler or a great holy man. He lived through his earlier years shielded from outside world and any knowledge of human suffering. One day he ventured outside his palace and saw an old man, a diseased man, a rotting corpse and an ascetic. Greatly depressed, he decided to battle old age, disease and death by following the path of asceticism. Then he embarked upon a quest for enlightenment and, after a long an arduous path, achieved the status of Buddha, i.e., â€Å"the awakened one†. What Is Buddha’s Significance? Gautama Buddha is considered to be the Supreme Buddha of the current age, the symbol of Awakening and Enlightenment which can be achieved by any living person who really wants to reach this status and leave the wheel of deaths and rebirths. Traditional biographies mention his life not only in his last incarnation, but also the fact that his path to the Awakening went through countless previous rebirths. Many incarnations before he met a Buddha and was so impressed by his serenity that decided to take an oath to eventually become a Buddha himself. In his final life, he went from opulent life as a nobleman and an heir to the throne to wandering beggar to an esteemed teacher to, finally, the Awakened One, thus giving an example of sacrifice and ability to achieve the Enlightenment no matter where and how you start. This was an example of the Buddha essay, written by the writers of our custom writing service. To buy an essay on the necessary topic, please, fill in the Free Inquiry form in the top right corner of this page.